Thursday, October 31, 2013

Hi all

Hope all is good. I've been under the weather a bit and I have been taking it easy, not as much sewing in the past few days. My lab looks at me and he is probably thinking,

 " come on mom, lets go for a walk".
 I am on the mend but I like to take that extra bit of care and rest up, drink green tea, and think of happy thoughts.
So I did finish the dress I was working on, here are some pics, I also started on some other dresses. As much as I love to make dresses, I also like to keep making smaller projects so I think I'll work on some hexies, I keep them all together in a shoe box and I work on them when I have some moments to sit a while. Thanks to my friend for giving me this pretty brown gingham fabric. I knew it had to be used for something that is pretty and useful and the owner of this dress, my beautiful daughter, tells me she loves it!

Thank you to our Lord Christ Jesus, He makes my day!KS

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