Sunday, January 25, 2015


Hello. Isn't this a beautiful sight? I just love the pretty flowers and green hills. Something to look for once spring comes upon us.
Where I live, we sometimes see flowers that look like a painted canvas over hills, the colors you see are purple, yellow, pink, and white. It's God's gift to us, what joy this brings. It makes me happy.

Today, we went to church, and then to breakfast. One of my favorite things to do, especially with loved ones and friends. 
Now, I'm thinking of sewing, so off I go to my sewing room. I made the cutest little doll yesterday, I must finish it today and then I'll show it to you. 
Happy sewing!

Monday, January 19, 2015

It's a holiday!

Hi everyone. Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day to the whole world.

Good to be back here again. I'm here to show you what I have been up to.
First let me tell you, it's good to take a day and clean up. Today I cleaned up my vegetable garden, getting rid of the old plants, and roots, and it sure felt good to see it that way. I'm thinking it's almost time for new dirt, and ready for news plants, such as onions, tomatoes, chili peppers, and zucchini. It is something to work on in next few weeks.

Next, I finished some sewing, oh yes I did! Finally I got something into my Etsy Shop.
Please let me introduce Hazel. She is a handmade doll, so cute with her sweet kind face. You can see more pics of her in my Etsy store.

She is wearing a cute cotton print dress, with white lace and polkadots.
I love this dress, wish I had one for me too, but when I found this fabric, it was just a remnant. Just enough for this 21 inch doll.

Then, I got started on this super big tote bag. It's big enough for many items, and for the on the go woman. Great for kids things, clothes, towels for the beach or a big picnic bag, electronics, you name it. I fell in love with the prints, and knew I had to make something with it. 
How I love western and Arizona prints! This tote is now in my Etsy store.

Western print with cute boots. The lace just needed to be there. So cute!
I'm working on many projects, and I hope to have them here soon. I'm invited to join in on a craft show this year so I'm looking forward to selling my goods there, it is sometime in the spring. It's exciting!!
Ok, I'm still thinking of a tutorial, I really want to try my hand at this. I have an idea, but it's still turning in my head. I hope to have it here soon, lets hope. 
As always, may whoever is reading this have a wonderful glorious day, and remember to give thanks for all that our heavenly Father provides for us, and for his son, Jesus, our Lord and Savior.

Enjoy, and keep looking up to the sky! KS