Saturday, February 1, 2014

Inspiring sewing blogs

I just read some of my favorite sewing blogs, and they really do inspire me. It's great to sew not only because of the fun of it, but to do it everyday as a career, I would love that! Filling your day with creating patterns, visiting sewing conferences, sewing for theaters, as a business at home, well it sounds wonderful to me. I am thankful to read about so many talented people out there because it helps me to learn new sewing techniques, and think about making my own sewing projects. The more you read, the more you learn!
What am I up to lately? well,
I got a pattern from a book called "I Love Patchwork by Rashida Coleman-Hale and I made her pencil holder. It is a fun project to make and I made it quite quickly in a few hours.

I like having these little holder's around, it helps me to find things in my bag a lot faster. 
I also made a coin purse by using some of my scraps and a recycled jean zipper. I like the colors of this coin purse and it is going into my etsy shop today. It will make a nice gift for someone to carry their little loose change or little trinkets. 

Well off I go to do my Saturday chores, and hopefully some sewing too. Enjoy your day and happy sewing. KS

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