Sunday, December 8, 2013

Frosty Days

It's sure icy cold these days, so I'm pulling out all my sweaters. I love that bundle up, hot chocolate, cuddled up to watch a movie feeling. We really do need more of these times especially with our loved ones. While I'm home, it has given me time to finish up some things I've started like my quilted bag I made to put my hair equipment in and the apron I started yesterday. Here they are:

I used some Set Sail pieces left over from a quilt for my bag, and the apron which has a retro feel came together quite quickly. I was saving the fabric just for something like this. It's a special gift for someone who loves to cook. 
Sundays are such wonderful days of rest and preparation for the week to come. So whatever you are doing, remember to do it with joy and a cheerful heart. Happy Sewing. KS

1 comment:

  1. I love the hair equipment pouch!! And the apron looks so pretty : )
