Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Happy Veterans Day!

How thankful I am for the veterans, they do have a special place in my heart. 

Here is the quilt I finished, just in time for Christmas. It is for sale on my Etsy shop. So excited to get it pictured. I love how it came out, so pretty, and has that cottage feel. 
Nice and warm too!

Pretty green vine with leaves on the back.

Hope your days have been good. It's that time of year when the wind blows a bit more, and the leaves make that pretty sound as they move around in the air. It's a lovely time of year.

I love the bustling and moving around and what girl wouldn't love shopping! It's so much fun to have a day just out either by myself or with a special friend, and just eat a little lunch, walk around the sights, and buy a little something too.
In between my daily outings with my Mr. (here he is lying on a cool floor after a long walk), I try to get in some sewing, or some embroidery work, or sewing a quilt for a friend.
I'm relaxing!

The quilt show in Santa Clara last month was wonderful! I enjoyed seeing the quilts, the vendors, and getting a day away. It was a dream! All that fabric, and pretty little things to keep someone very busy.
Now, back to work I go getting some things done. Christmas is approaching and got to get some gifts finished. Enjoy your day. God Bless! KS

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